Enhancement Options for Made2Manage® or Intuitive ERP®
KnowledgeSync Alerts and Workflow are a single solution with which you can monitor and respond to important business conditions within all your front-office and back-office software solutions.
Overdue invoices. Stock shortages. Employees with expiring certifications. Opportunities not followed-up on. Changes to a job’s status. The right information — to the right people, and at the right time – is critical to the success of your organization. Get KnowledgeSync and don’t ever again get caught saying “if only we had known . . . “
While Made2Manage® (M2M®) and Intuitive ERP® products are great ERP solutions for manufacturers, most users struggle to efficiently turn the important business data that these solutions store into useful analytics to drive the business. That’s where PeopleSense Analytics powered by Portus comes in.
Your bottom line depends on the ability of your team to make good business decisions. Good business decisions in turn, depend on timely, accurate, and relevant information. Vertance Navigator is designed to allow your organization to access all of the information within your ERP system to support the decision-making process. Vertance Navigator is a revolutionary companion product for manufacturing software systems that provides quick drill-down, comprehensive export and powerful data analysis capabilities to help your company get the most from your Made2Manage® or Intuitive ERP® system.